Now’s the time to install
So should you install it – Yes you should. And there will be some “getting used to it.” iTunes is gone, connected devices show in the Finder, (which is the best feature so far AFAIC). No more opening iTunes for synching or local backups. You do have a local backup of you mobile devices, don’t you? (Much faster than iCloud restores, if needed). So yes, make sure you have a recent and full Time Machine Backup to an external hard drive (you should have that already!). Connect your MacBook to power if needed and go to System Preferences under the Black Apple. Use the Software Update Preference Pane and initiate the update. Be prepared for it to take up to half an hour.
Why Bother?
Why should you follow this upgrade path? Because, at some point you will have to. Contrary to popular opinion, Apple does not release software updates to make hardware obsolete or slow it down to force a new purchase. A significant reason to pay the extra up front cost of Apple devices is the enhanced security and privacy the platform provides. Apple doesn’t need to gather your information to sell to other vendors to make a profit. They’re getting it from you upfront and through ongoing services. That’s the Apple business model. Once you’ve bought in, you are best served going along with the program. Though not necessarily on the first jump.
Apple has made some significant blunders.
Let tech guys like me and others make the jump first. But the threats to your personal data are real, and compromise, (or loss) of that information can be devastating. I still believe Apple is on the side of empowering people to do more with less, and that’s why I’m here.
What to expect
iTunes is replaced with Music, Podcasts and TV. I’ve gone through the process and everything seems to be in place. I really like that I don’t have to go into Tunes to manage iOS local backups any more. You don’t make local backups?
I do.
The biggest annoyance, and it can get to be an annoyance is the new Security parameters. You must explicitly give any Application permission to access folders with personal data. You only have to do it once, but there are times when it’s like… huh?

Not all Macs can upgrade
Be aware that this release [Catalina] does not run on all Macs that ran Snow Leopard [10.6.8]. Generally, if your Apple Computer was manufactured prior to 2012 the latest OS you can run is High Sierra, [10.13.6]. If your computer is running Mojave [10.14] it will take the Catalina update. Even if your computer will run the new OS, you should make sure your Applications will run. Catalina only supports 64 bit Apps. If you’ve been running Mojave your Mac has shown those “No Longer Supported” Application warnings.
So go for IT – Catalina is here.
If you have questions or run into problems, you know who to call.
Call (516) 200-1090 [first 5 minutes are always free].